Airports, Cities and Regions
London, 2014.
Published by Routeledge

ISBN-13: 978-0415859233
ISBN-10: 0415859239

description: Publication for the 10th birthday of the real estate section of the Schiphol airport, Schiphol Real Estate.

Since the emergence of urban systems, cities have developed in a mutually inter-dependent process of socio-economic dynamics and transportation linkages. In recent years, Airports worldwide have stepped beyond the stage of being pure infrastructure facilities while the complex dynamics that are taking place at and around international airports represent a crucial element in the post-industrial reorganisation of urban and regional systems. Airports are increasingly recognized as general urban activity centres; that is, key assets for cities and regions as economic generators and catalysts of investment in addition to being critical components of efficient city infrastructure.

In their article “Airports and Sustainability: a paradox?” Güller Güller argues that « Competitiveness of airports has long been defined by growth figures, disregarding the notion of value creation in the airport region, quality of life and mutual synergies. The need for sustainability today puts the growth of aviation in a different perspective. In light of the increasing scarcity of land that can accommodate conflicting functions and therefore of a necessity integrate the airport infrastructure more sustainably within the metropolitan area, competitiveness will need to be defined beyond growth.

The notion of a “sustainable airport” however seems to confront us with a paradox. Is it possible to reconcile air transportation and sustainability? And what could be the cornerstones of an agenda for “competitiveness beyond growth”? »