Wonderland exhibition
Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, 2004
website Wonderland
client: Wonderland
team: Güller Güller architecture urbanism

"Wonderland is a travelling exhibition through nine European countries, originating in Austria. GGau presents its work as part of 11 young Dutch-firms that have in common that they are run by foreigners or 'ex-pats', that have chosen the Netherlands as their place of practice. Our office tried to formulate a possible if not compulsory standpoint of the European architect and planner of today: critical 'cultural' reflection, outside and inside standpoint, free as a bird and still involved.

The exhibition took place at the WTC World Trade Center Schiphol Airport. We thought that the environment of the airport - which is very familiar to if not rooted in the work of GGau - suits most as an exhibition context for our volatile as well as local, strategic as well as concrete work. Special thanks to Maurits Schaafsma, Schiphol Real Estate, Schiphol Group."

Wonderland station
  • St.Veit/Glan
    15.09. - 01.10.2006
  • Vienna
    07.06 - 19.06.2006
  • Ljubljana
    13.01. - 24.01.2006
  • Zagreb
    17.09. - 02.10.2005
  • Paris
    01.06. - 10.06.2005
  • Amsterdam
    01.04. - 30.04.2005
  • Berlin
    03.12. - 15.01.2005
  • Praha
    02.09. - 18.09.2004
  • Bratislava
    05.06. - 26.06.2004