airports architecture infrastructure initiatives research strat. planning urban design
Zürich Polycentric Zürich Centre Süd Zürich Centre Nord
Zürich Polycentric City
Zürich, Switzerland, 2010-2011
client: Department of Transport & Public Space, City of Zürich
team: Güller Güller architecture urbanism

The commission was to detect the potential for urban quality of the areas around the major rail and public transport hubs of the city.
Public space becomes the lever for requalification of the urban environment which is polarised by the stations. These emergent centralities have furthermore potential to accomodate the (new) regional facilities within a polycentric metropolitan area.

In order for the Polycentres to perceive their central function and to become urban areas full of identity, they need to be "decelerated". Such a "slowing down" means that the (necessary) high degree of mobility in the polycentres must be designed in compatibility with the city and its urban space, as is self-evident in the city centres of European cities.