airports architecture infrastructure initiatives research strat. planning urban design
Bridge across the Sihl
Zürich, Switzerland, 2003
client: Department of Civil Engineering, City of Zürich
team: Güller Güller architecture urbanism, Heierli AG, civil engineers

Ideas competition: a new pedestrian and bicycle link across the river and rail-line

ONE bridge, ONE path, ONE urban link
The complicated separation of the two crossings of river Sihl and railway is simplified into a single 'sculptural' element. It forms and emphasizes the urban link just like a red thread:
- ONE bridge instead of two: the link across the two barriers appears to be just one bridge
- ONE elevator moving, instead of two: a synchronized movement on both sides of the railway. Whoever goes up on one side can cross the railway and go back down on the other side
- ONE profile instead of two: constructively, there is only one element defining the whole bridging (also in the vertical segments), apt for bearing the various stresses.

The bridge will be an integral part of the public spaces on both sides of the river. The niches within the beam not only open up views up- and down-river. They also invite to stay on the bridge, where it is always nicely cool and quiet. And they enhance the transparency of the bridge without columns.

The new path crosses the two barriers without changing direction. The bridge-heads are not particularly emphasized: the marked appearance of the bridge and the openness of the adjacent public spaces are fully sufficient for marking the access-spots.